Grateful Living: The Joy of Stewardship

So often in our churches the idea of stewardship is approached purely from a financial point of view. True stewardship, however, is a way of putting our faith into practice and encompasses so much more. It is an expression of our life as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Grateful Living: The Joy of Stewardship will equip your parish(es) with the tools to transform the model of stewardship into one of joyous discipleship, where care for the parish, its people and our common home are a natural outgrowth of a life of faith.

Be one of the first dioceses/parishes to engage in this new process!

Grateful Living by RENEW International

How Grateful Living Works

Grateful Living: The Joy of Stewardship takes a two-level approach to maximize effectiveness.

The Learning Communities focus on the pastor, parish staff and leaders. Innovation-focused workshops equip leadership to reframe the conversation around stewardship into a comprehensive way of living as a parish.

The small-group faith sharing engages the entire parish and helps parishioners see the joys of living gratefully as they grow in discipleship. A RENEW pastoral representative will guide your Grateful Living Parish Coordinating Team and train your small-group leaders, providing all the tools needed for success.


Participant Resources

You can find tips for running your small group, as well as other spiritual topics of interest, on the RENEW blog, which can be found here.

Webinars & Videos
We have a YouTube channel with webinars and videos that we hope you will find useful and informative.

RENEW Leadership Materials
RENEW International has several resources to support small groups in our e-store which you can find here.


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